Did you know?

I’ve asked around for some fun blog ideas and a few people mentioned I should just state some interesting facts about Coach Mary.  So, in no particular order, here we go:

1- The first parade I participated in, I twirled a baton (age 6 or so).  The last one (sophomore year of high school), I played the clarinet.

2- While growing up, I wanted to be PI, thanks in part to Hart to Hart and the like.  😉

2a- I also wanted to be a veterinarian…until I took my dog for a shot and nearly passed out.

2b- Dancing is another career I wanted to pursue. I recall watching music videos such as Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation and I so wanted to dance like that.  Unfortunately I never even had the guts to take a class, I still don’t.

3- I hate that I waste some of my precious time watching Housewives shows on occasion.

4-U2 is our favorite band.  One year, pre-kids, I saw them in concert 7 times.  Our dog is even named Clayton after band member Adam Clayton.  (Bono was too obvious).

5-My favorite post race splurge is Hostess Powdered Donnettes.  (I only do this after A races though, well, usually)!

6-I started doing triathlons in ’97, seriously and consistently since ’03.

7-I won the 200 free (the only race I KNEW I was going to win) at the Illinois High School State meet in ’89 and placed 2nd in the 100.  Had you ever told me I’d ever swim an event over 500 yards some day, I would have laughed.  Now I much prefer longer distances.

8-Being adopted was the greatest gift ever!  Thanks mom and dad, I love you oodles and oodles!

9- In college I wanted a tattoo, but didn’t get one in fear of regretting it a few years later.  Once I turned 30, I realized I still wanted one and finally got inked! I am interested in getting another one too!

10-I’m really scared of heights, yet loved skydiving!  I would never bungee jump though.

11-Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, and Washington are all states I’ve lived in.

12- My husband Scott has been my triathlon coach since ’03.  Contact him if you need one, he is looking for a few clients!

13- Homecoming Princess was  a title I obtained in high school, Student Congress President too.  And because of it, I have a friend who calls me gerd (combo of geek and nerd).

14- I took the Pepsi Challenge twice and Coke was the winner both times.

15- I majored in Sociology with a minor in Criminology, yet somehow managed to have a strong 10 year career in accounting.  I worked with companies such as Danzas, T-Mobile (managed their debt), Washington Mutual (worked in mortgage-backed securities), CSC, etc.

16- Yes, I am a certified Ham operator.  (I once worked with Icom America and it was required).

17- One of my biggest pet peeves is ending a sentence with a preposition, especially with the word ‘at.’   Ok, so you don’t need to say, ‘where’s it at,’ say, ‘where is it,’ please.  😉

18- I never had a drug until I tried Nutella last year.  BIG mistake, BIG!!!

19- The Smithereens was the first band I saw in concert.

20- I moved from Wisconsin to Illinois in the middle of 3rd grade. During the first week at my new school, Wayne Cunningham asked, ‘will go with me?’  I replied, ‘go where?’   Ah, my first boyfriend!

21- Age 4 is when I participated in my first swim meet!  It’s amazing I still love the sport!

22- I don’t care for brussel sprouts, olives, or blue cheese. (I try them at least annually too). I LOVE cheese, red wine, sushi, dates, deep dish pizza, chocolate, filet mignon, peanut butter, guacamole, garlic pasta, chai tea, ice cream, brownies, and so much more.

23- I had terrible postpartum for a few months.

24- I have a MAJOR phobia of public speaking and have worked very hard just so I can talk as a coach.

25– I love my family, my jobs, and my life!!!  I am very fortunate and appreciate all of it too.


So many ideas as to what to write so here is a hodge podge of thoughts and updates:

1) Last week I signed up Sarah and Court for Kindergarten, I can’t believe it!

2) For nearly 2 weeks, my back has been much better, yay!  Of course, now my colon has been acting up.  Oy, at least I’m healthy overall.

3) My best friend is pregnant with twins and is doing great with less than a couple months to go!

4) I’m stoked as we are departing for an African safari in a couple weeks thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law!  And Im just as thankful that the other grandparents will be staying back to watch all the kids.  We are SO fortunate!

5) I’m finally back to training after a 4 month hiatus.  I am so out of shape, but am loving it all. I’m not taking anything for granted.

6) I have the BEST running coach EVER, Janet Smith-Leet.  Look her up if you need help, I know you do, we all do!!!

7) Even prior to having sponsorship with Runners High n Tri, I told everyone how impressed I was by their store and staff, Pom especially.  She is the best shoe fitter EVER!  Go see them: http://www.runnershigh-n-tri.com

8) Back to #5, I’ve been doing mainly drills in the pool and on the run the past couple months, but very little actual swimming or running.  And although I am out of shape, these have paid off.  For example, after a swim set of 12×100’s the other day, my lane mate said, ‘wow,  you were flying.’  I practice what I preach,  efficiency creates speed.  The same for running. I did a 5 mile slow run the other day and my pace was 30 seconds per mile faster than what my slow run pace was when I was in shape.

9) I find it odd that so many people think they are good to go after taking a few lessons in a sport, a couple of clinics, or the like and then are frustrated they aren’t more efficient and/or faster.  Think of any good athlete in any sport. Do you think they’ve only had a couple of lessons?  Most have had several years of lessons and/or coached workouts.  Keep the perspective, if you really want to improve, you’ll take the time to practice efficiency, and do so consistently.  There are no shortcuts.

10) Listen to your body!!!  If you are injured or coming off an injury, slowly ease back into your training, no matter how good you may feel…unless you want to really increase the risk of prolonging your recovery time.

11) If it’s important to you, you’ll find the time.